Jennifer Welch
Consultante en lactation diplômée par IBLCE
Conferences and workshops for families, volunteers and professionals.
In person or by webinar
Contact for more details and pricing
"Sleeping Like a Baby"
What does that Even Mean?
It is nearly impossible to talk about infant feeding without also talking about sleep since the two are so closely intertwined. In today’s modern society, there is great conflict between how we think babies sleep and how they actually sleep. This conflict causes great stress to parents and challenges to the professionals trying to support them.
But why do these conflicts exist and how can professionals help families cope? This presentation explores how sleep culture has evolved over time, informs on biologically normal sleep patterns for both infants and adults, as well as gives professionals tools to guide families towards safe sleep and to cope with normal infant sleep patterns.
After this training, participants will have a better understanding of the following:
Differences in biologically normal sleep for adults and infants
Impact of modern lifestyle on sleep
Conflict between biological norms and societal beliefs / cultural expectations
Popular sleep training regimes
SIDS, SUDI, Infant sleep safety
Supporting parents to cope with normal infant sleep patterns.
2hrs (For volunteers & professionals)
Breastfeeding in all Its Forms:
Supporting Families When Supplements are Used
After completing this training, participants will:
Better understand the varied experiences of parents who used supplements
Be familiar with the clinical indications for supplementation.
Will have a better understanding of breast pumps and their use
Will have increased knowledge on reducing risks and better understand how to choose and use a supplement while reducing risks
Have increased competence in supporting families in emergency situations
Will understand how to apply the WHO Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Supplements to their work supporting families using supplements
Will have improved counselling skills on supporting families who give supplements to their baby without judgement.
2hrs (For volunteers & professionals)
Understanding Tongue-tie and Lip-tie to Better Support Families
After completing this training, participants will:
Will have a better understanding of ankyloglossia
Will understand the impact of ankyloglossia on lactation and breast/chest feeding
Will be able to recognize when an evaluation by a health care professional is required
Will understand the role of volunteer peer supporters in cases of ankyloglossia
Will be better equipped to support parents facing ankyloglossia.